Thursday, 31 May 2007

The grass is always greener on the other side..

When I was in Sri Lanka I always used to wish the country was located a few latitudes further up from the equator, so that it wouldn't be so hot and humid all year round!

When I was growing up, I wished that we had the four seasons so that I could see all the flowers bloom in the spring, the sun shine in the summer, leaves redden and fall in the autumn and cold days in the winter with some snow!! Well, I got over that once I grew up, but I still wished that it wasn't so hot there.

Now, I've been in Australia for almost one year and have experienced the four seasons, it's not as wonderful as it sounds in the books. It's pretty difficult to distinguish between the season changes in the first place, there's no clear cut boundary between spring & summer, summer & autumn etc.

And I can't think of more than a couple of days where I actually enjoyed the weather, it's either too cold that I would start shivering from head to toe or either too hot that I simply have to take at least 5-6 baths a day!

Just a couple of months ago - in the summer temperatures soared past 42 Celsius. It was like living inside an oven! you can literally feel your skin burning! Now it's winter (just starting) and daytime temperatures hang around 10-12 Celsius, and it's like living inside a fridge! Nights are even worse!

How I long for a beautiful tropical climate like that of Sri Lanka!!!


Mahasen said...

The beautiful tropical place is bit too hot these days. Even Kandy is around 32C and pretty damn humid. So perhaps the four seasons would be better than this...

Ineshka said...

Hey hey!! :) I think, I've always enjoyed it here... I thrive in hot weather simply because I just can't handle the cold... I become lazy, and rigid and my wheeze starts acting up! So I guess I always chose the better of two evils :).. And the good thing about Sri Lanka is that, if you feel hot, the colder areas are only a couple of hours away :) But that is of course if you have the time and the money! :)