The common phrase "sounds like Greek" is usually used when something doesn't make any sense or when something is totally incomprehensible. Ironically a lot of words and parts of words we use in day to day life has been derived from actual Greek And most of which we do understand! Considering the fact that studies and knowledge in the western world had its origins in the Greek civilization, almost all fields of studies stem from Greek words, including the technical terms used within that subject area.
Philosophy: (philosophía), compounded from (phílos: friend, or lover) and (sophía: wisdom)
Biology: (Βìο) meaning life and (logia) meaning the study of
Anthtropology: (Anthro) meaning man or person + the study of
Archeology: (Arche) ancient, foundation + study of
Mathematics : (máthēma), which means learning, study, science
Physics: (phúsis) nature and knowledge of nature
Astronomy: (astron) stars and (nomos) law
History: (historía) meaning a learning or knowing by inquiry,
Zoology: (Zoon) animal + study of
Optic : appearance or look
Thus anything associated with Optic is something to do with eye/vision
So if you put two and two together you will understand how "Pilanthropy", "Opthalmology", "Optimeterist", "Architecture" came about
A few more examples
Geo: meaning earth
Geography, geology, geo-based
Democracy: demos, "people," and kratos, "rule"
Micro: small
micro meter, microscope
Mono: single
monotony, monomer, monogamous
Tele: far
tele-vision, tele-scope
And the list goes on.......
I Want To Be A Nationalist
5 years ago
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