When we mess something up, it's very easy to attribute ourselves with "I'm terrible with this kind of thing". But every mess-up has a lesson to be learnt, if only one would sit and recollect "now, where did I go wrong?"
If you can spot that, next time you are sure to do a better job than the last.
This brings to mind the famous story of Thomas Alva Edison's light bulb. It is said that his attempts to produce a light bulb failed him over a thousand times (I don't know how far the figures are correct, but sure must have been a long 5 years!). He tried with Platinum filaments...doesn't work....Nitrogen gas...doesn't work......
but after each failed attempt he said "I just learnt another way of how you can't make a light bulb!".
So, the best way to learn something is through mistakes, you generally learn more through making mistakes than through getting it right the first time.
So the next time you make a mistake be glad that you did, for 'failures are the pillars to success'
I Want To Be A Nationalist
5 years ago